Sorry, all -- marriage is very fun, but very time-consuming! Adding keeping house and man to taking courses, doing volunteer work, doing some paid work, and trying to write a book out of my grandparents' WWII love letters, I haven't got time for posts here, and rarely for comments elsewhere. So, if you haven't gathered that already, I've closed shop.
My final point should be somewhat pertinent, so: Bob, no friend to most conservative ideas, a Keynesian economist, getting his news mainly from NPR, has been working in military hospitals out here, and he gets livid when he hears Hillary Clinton or others on the left advocate VA-style government-run healthcare. It's incompetent, outdated (no innovation -- except in prosthetics), and full of government employees who won't do anything they don't have to. Expand it to the whole country -- and make it Canadian, with no options -- and modern medicine is down the tubes (or, rather, frozen in time). Like when FOX News complains about Republicans, Dan Rather alleges Democrat conspiracies, the Pope converts to Islam, and Lee Stroebel fails so badly in disproving Christianity that he ends up a convert to it, when someone advocates something not traditionally in their camp, you'd better pay attention!
It's been fun, and I may come back some day. Hope you all enjoy life!
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