I had the good fortune to spend half of my high school career elsewhere (England and Germany), and never went on a school trip while in high school in Houston. Due to that background, I might be forgiven for having had no idea why so many American teenagers go entirely crazy as soon as they get to college.
At the American School in London, when we went on a school trip, the teachers would plunk us down in some foreign city and tell us to be back at the hotel in time for dinner. We had an open campus, and we'd leave during lunch or an off period to go get a half-pint at the local pub (all within the legal drinking age, of course) or zoom downtown for some quick shopping. If not exactly encouraged by our parents, it was with parental permission, and our parents were expected both to teach us how to take care of ourselves and to instill us with a sense of responsibility.
When current American high schools (public, private, and parochial) take school trips even within the country, the children are watched night and day. They are babied, told exactly where to go and what to do and when, and those who are acting in loco parentis must either believe they are acting as parents of nine-year-olds or that the parents they are replacing are nitwits who have instilled no self-control or maturity in their offspring whatsoever. (To see the panic on students' faces when told they have to think up an activity on their own, perhaps there's some truth to that belief.)
If they have never been allowed any freedoms, and have not been taught how to do things responsibly but have instead not been taught about anything at all (because ignoring the existence of things will mean they aren't ever thought about by your children, right? as my mother thought with the Kid Brother, before he bit his breakfast toast into a gun and shot her at four years old, at which point she realized responsible use or responsible disuse was better than ignorant obsession), is it any wonder American college students are, as a whole, remarkably immature and with absolutely no grasp of the practical repercussions of their actions?
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