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November 04, 2005


Rachael Mohrhoff

I have been sick now for 5&1/2 weeks and my dr. can't diagnose me.
My symptoms are deep cough, green sputum, congestion, headache, fatige, earaches.
I have been on 2 different antibiotics and had a chest x-ray. Nothing has helped. My chest x-ray said I had just taken a big breath? Duh! Anyway...is this the Katrina cough?
I was in N.O. for 10 days with the Red Cross after Katrina and am beginning to wonder if I inhaled something that has stayed with me but is just making itself known? Do you think there is an incubation period? Is anyone else sick who went to N.O.? Does anyone have any suggestions?
I would greatly appreciate it.
Merry Christmas!

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